School Communications

Daymap Learning and Student Management App
At Upwey High School communication with our staff students and families is of utmost importance. To manage this, we utilise DayMap. DayMap is a learning and student management system. It can be accessed 24/7 via the web or through the the highly popular DayMap app. DayMap contains student information, assessments, and details of each class including teaching handouts and homework, attendance and much, much more. It also includes a Parent Portal, where parents/guardians can check on attendance, student work and assessment.
Access to our specific DayMap portal is shared once your child commences at Upwey High School. The following guides contain everything you need to know to set up the application on your device, however, we welcome you to contact our ICT team via the General Office should you need additional support. Click to download Daymap for Apple or Android
Daymap Mobile App for Parents User Guide

Qkr! School Payments App
Qkr! by Mastercard is the mobile phone payment app utilised by Upwey High School, that supports staff and families as an advanced online payment system. Qkr delivers convenience to parents purchasing items such as uniform through its streamlined app. We advise all families to download the Qkr! app on their device upon enrolment. Click to download Qkr! By Mastercard for Apple or Android.